Ahsan Electronics
by on July 7, 2023

Keep the lint trap clean. Your washing machine has a lint trap that catches any lint or hair that comes off your clothes during the wash cycle. Be sure to clean out the lint trap after each use to prevent buildup and clogging.Ahsan Electronics Don’t overstuff the machine. It’s tempting to try to cram as much laundry into the washing machine as possible, but this is a mistake. Overloading the machine can damage the motor and lead to poor washing results.Dawlance Refrigerators Price in Pakistan Follow the load size recommendations in your manual to ensure optimal performance. Clean the machine regularly. Even though your washing machine is designed to clean your clothes, it still needs to be cleaned itself from time to time. Use a mild detergent and a soft cloth to wipe down the inside of the washer tub.Dawlance ac price in Pakistan


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