Here we will explain some important questions related to the website and pets game.

Question No 1: I am not getting a verification email.

Answer: Please recheck your email's spelling or check your spam folder, if still you are not getting an email. You can try other ways like using your mobile number to register or using google/Facebook signup etc

Question No 2: How many accounts are allowed for each user?

Answer: you can create unlimited accounts but don't use these accounts for cheating and you should log in with all accounts daily at least once to protect the account from suspension/deletion.

Question No 3: What is a Royal Member, What is the benefit of becoming a Royal Member, and How I can get this membership?

Answer: Royal member is a premium member which gets extra benefits than a regular member. like extra login/signup points etc, you can get details on the subscription page. You can get a membership by clicking on the drop-down icon at the top right corner near your picture and then clicking on "membership" or clicking here.

Question No 4:  What are Activity Points, How to check my Activity Points,  where I can use them, and Can I transfer Activity Points?

Answer: Activity Points are the awarded point that you will get on different Activities like signup/ login, making new friends, etc. You can check your activity points by clicking on the drop-down icon at the top right corner near your picture and then clicking on "Activity Points". or clicking here, You can use your points to buy different items on the website like for buying membership, Premium Gifts, Gold, etc, Yes you can transfer these activity points to your friends. (Maybe this requires a Subscription.) 

Question No 5:  How to send a gift to someone?

Answer: Click on any other member's profile and start writing on his profile, you will see a small icon in a typing box, click on the box, and send a gift. (there are some free gifts and need to pay).

Question No 6:  Can we use a temporary Email/number to create an account?

Answer: No, you are not allowed to temporary email/number to create an account, such type of account will be suspended. 


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