Limited special Gold offer & Get 400 % Extra Gold free untill Friday 26th July 2024.New Gold Rate is 1 Gold = $24,890,190 CNN L2 Buy Gold Now!
on July 6, 2023
we are happy to inform you that now you can purchase gold or activity points through your bank card or through money exchange by following these steps :
1) select package which you want to buy .
2) send payment to that bank detail according to your package that you have chosen .
3) send us transaction number as well screen shot of payment on our what's app number, admin helpline or email address .
4) After confirming payment we will add your package according to your payment .
Bank details
Title: Mosaab Jamal Ahmed
Bank : Poste Italiane
Bank Address: Via e de Nicola 9 siena, Italy
IBAN : IT24L3608105138216736516744
Swift code : BPPIITRRXXX
Date of birth: 06/11/1989
Dimension: 1500 x 1500
File Size: 663.08 Kb
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don't hold your breath
July 7, 2023 Edited
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