Cells play an important role in both pathological studies of stroke and in the development of therapies. In pathological studies, on the one hand, we provide a preliminary understanding of the pathological mechanisms of stroke by establishing different stroke models based on brain cells. On the other hand, we elaborate the role of stroke on different cells through the study of different cells in in vivo models. In therapeutic development, stem cell-based stroke therapy has been shown to be effec...
Ace Neuroscience is committed to supporting scientists in making groundbreaking scientific discoveries and developing new applications to accelerate drug discovery and scientific diagnosis and treatment of antipsychotic diseases. We have a mature animal model research and development platform. We aim to provide customized services for animal models of depression for psychiatric research and to help researchers successfully achieve their research goals.Introduction of Animal Models in PsychiatryN...
Since the introduction of antibiotics, the bacteria they treat have been adapting and changing to become more resistant. These antibiotic-resistant bacteria are called superbugs, and they cause serious bacterial infections that are extremely difficult to treat. One of the key challenges in the fight against superbugs is the detection of drug-resistant bacteria. We offer low-cost, rapid detection tools and services for currently known or unknown drug-resistant pathogens.Different Types of Superbu...
Research on Psychiatric MechanismsMolecular biology analysis in psychiatry is an approach that relies on biological techniques at the molecular level to study psychiatric disorders. It includes the study of expression profiles, DNA, RNA, proteins, and metabolites at the molecular level.Our molecular biology analysis can also be applied to study the development of novel drugs. For example, by modulating one or more genes, proteins, and metabolic pathways to develop a novel drug and analyze its ef...
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Cells play an important role in both pathological studies of stroke and in the development of therapies. In pathological studies, on the one hand, we provide a preliminary understanding of the pathological mechanisms of stroke by establishing different stroke models based on brain cells. On the other hand, we elaborate the role of stroke on different cells through the study of different cells in in vivo models. In therapeutic development, stem cell-based stroke therapy has been shown to be effec...
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Samples superbug identificationBacteria are becoming resistant to antibiotics at an alarming rate, posing a major threat to our health care. Rapidly identifying the bacteria that cause specific infections is critical to preventing the development of antibiotic resistance. However, many researchers may face some challenging processes in superbug identification techniques.Rapid Detection of Superbugs Using PhagesPhages offer a unique opportunity for superbug detection. Using the ability of phages ...
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