by on October 16, 2023

Introduction to Protein Design

Protein design aims to create proteins with enhanced or novel activity, behavior, or other functional properties. As a powerful tool, it may have a profound impact on synthetic biology and may have more rapid and innovative applications. In the near future, protein design, especially computational design, will greatly expand the functional capabilities of synthetic cells.


De Novo Protein Design

In de novo protein design, the ultimate objective is to identify the appropriate amino acid sequence that best fits the designed topology of protein with the desired functions. We are dedicated to establishing the most exquisite service platform for our clients. Our one-stop services can provide comprehensive technical support to advance our customers' projects.

Rational Protein Design

Rational protein design plays a critical role in understanding protein structure and physical chemistry. It has been widely used in numerous fields, including synthetic biology. Based on the understanding of the target protein's structure and the correlated properties, our professional scientific team can provide our customers with a complete development cycle of rational design.

Semirational Protein Design

As a combination of rational design and directed evolution, semirational protein design has been developed to address the limitations of both methods. Information on protein sequence, structure and function is used together with predictive algorithms to identify target amino acid residues. We provide multiple approaches to bring diverse synthetic applications and creative ideas to fruition.

Posted in: Health
Topics: biology
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